One of the good things about running the community feed is that I get to boost some of my own work.
Age of Ravens: Volume I: Running
I've now released the first two volumes collecting work from AoR from last 14 years. This first one brings together my general and specific advice for GMing and running ttrpgs. This clocks in at 196 pages with 27 pieces.
You can pick this up on itch or DrivethruRPG
So what do we have in this book? The first part "Strange Things Seen Close Up" covers game specifics:
1. Mook Methodologies: how rpgs handle troops, minions, and masses
2. Teamwork Tactics: how rpgs handle help, aid, and support
3. Considering Complexity: thinking about how we judge crunch in play
4. Building and Setting Settlements: How recent games handle community building
5. Running Mysteries: planning and executing mystery scenarios
6. Factions in Action: using factions as a campaign cornerstone
7. Conspiracies: using conspiracies in rpgs
8. Conspiracy Sandbox: building an rpg campaign around open world conspiracies
9. Newb's Guide to Imaginary Wrestling a non-wrestling fan learns stuff to play WWW
10. Suikoden, RPGs, and Imaginative Space: lessons we can take from this jrpg series
Section two is "Pulling Back the Lens"
11. Seven Starter Stories: go-to inciting incidents
12. Running One Shots: tips & tricks for running these at cons or beyond
13. Selling the Setting the challenge of deep rpg setting
14. Hack the Table: the joy of quick hacking games and getting them played
15. Open Table: What the What: challenges & rewards of open table play
16. Gaming the Online Medium: ideas for making use of what playing online can offer
17. Multiversal Campaigns 1: conceiving and planning these campaigns
18. Multiversal Campaigns 2: more lessons
19. The Quickening: best practices for publishers presenting product
20. What I Like in Games: Saying Please: a wishlist of stuff in rpg books
21. Online Con Management: lessons for running large online events
Section three is wide range stuff "The Eye in the Sky"
22. Five Faces of the GM: a quintet of game facilitator roles
23. Pandemic Brain: Breaking the TTRPG Reading Block : how I stopped worrying and learned to grok rpgs again
24. Community Lessons: key lessons learned from running for my online community
25. 23 Lessons from RPGs: what I learned from every rpg I ran in one year online
26. 33 Tips for Running Online: specific advice for running rpgs online
27. How To Run 200+ Sessions With 25+ Systems In One Year: a run-through of my process
If that sounds interesting to you, I hope you'll check it out.
#ageofravens #ttrpg #gming advice